Jul 23, 2020
This week, Dean and Sam take a break from their own Apocalyptic Springer Show family to go check out someone else's. Pru has no questions, but that does not mean that she is not confused, on Ride or Die - S15E04 - Atomic Family!
Pru - Promare
Waldorph - Game Grumps Super Bunny Man Series
Jul 16, 2020
If you ever wondered what it sounds like when waldorph cries, a) you're a bad person and need to think about your choices, and b) this is the episode for you. In which we discuss the most vexing character on the series, Pru's face tries to turn into a horizontal line, and Sam Winchester deserves NONE OF THIS.
Jul 9, 2020
We could give you a pithy summary but mostly we're just really upset about KEVIN TRAN & how well this season is setting itself up IN SPITE OF THE FACT THIS IS NOT A GREAT SHOW. Join us for some actual tears this week on S15 Shenanigans - Ep 2: Raising Hell
Pru - Kimetsu no Yaiba
Waldorph - Jumanji (2017)
Jul 2, 2020
Times are bad so we made a bad choice. What we abandon our premise, jump into the future, and the one of us who's current told the one of us who hasn't watched an episode since S9 what's happening in S15? And refused to provide context while the other made truly unspeakable sounds and drank. Well, that'd be what this is...