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Ride or Die Podcast

Oct 25, 2018

We almost made it! Our boys fix to level up and hurt us the most in this week's episode of Ride or Die - S1E21 - Salvation, sponsored by Moon Travel Guides (!

Episode Ratings:

Waldorph: 4/5
Pru: 4/5

Things to Do Instead of Watching Supernatural:

Waldorph: GLOW (Netflix)
Pru: Mission Impossible Fallout


Oct 18, 2018

Sharpen your black eyeliner pencils because we're entering the fresh of hell of mid-2000s roadhouse vampire stories with the added seasoning of parenting tips from John Winchester on this week's Ride or Die - S1E20 - Dead Man's Blood!

Episode Ratings: 
Waldorph: 4/5
Pru: 3/5
Things to Do Instead of Watching...

Oct 11, 2018

Bust out your gesso and Photoshop craqueler filter because this week, Supernatural is challenging us to examine the different interrogations of the American experience and Dean's unwavering focus on trying to get Sam laid via the medium of Ride or Die - S1E19 - Provenance! 
Episode Ratings: 
Waldorph: 5/5

Oct 4, 2018

Strap in guys, because we are all about Weechesters, John Winchester’s A+ parenting, and a whole lot of feelings in this week's episode of Ride or Die - S1E18 - Something Wicked, sponsored by Moon Travel Guides (!

Episode Ratings:
Waldorph: 5/5

Pru: 4/5

Things to Do Instead of Watching...